Our commitments

Ingredia is committed since 2019 in an ambitious CSR project and obtained B Corp label. Our ethical charter describes the commitments and defines the behaviours to be adopted by all members of the PFI group and its stakeholders.
It is based on integrity, respect, fairness and diversity, the laws and regulations that govern our activities. It is part of our overall CSR approach.
This CSR commitment is being pursued with the structuring of the management system for the responsible purchasing process, supported by the purchasing function.
Responsible purchasing charter
On May 19, 2022, Ingredia made a commitment to balanced supplier relations and responsible purchasing by signing the MDE and CNA Supplier Relations and Responsible Purchasing Charter.
Ingredia and all the stakeholders, are committed to the process of obtaining the Responsible Supplier Relations and Purchasing label, backed by the ISO 20400 standard.
Our responsible purchasing policy
Through this commitment we are inscribing our desire to anchor within our CSR policy the challenges of responsible purchasing and to establish sustainable relationships with our suppliers. The supplier relationship is at the heart of our group’s concerns and plays a crucial role in its continuous improvement and evolution.
We are committed to a strong responsible purchasing policy based on three principles and seven specific targets:

Specific target:
- Integrate suppliers into the CSR and ethics policy
- Listen to suppliers regularly and continuously
- Treat all suppliers equally and ensure their financial health

Specific target:
- Reduce the GHG emissions of the purchasing function within the RFAR label function,
- Encourage and support suppliers to implement a GHG emission reduction process.

Specific target:
- Analyze our local economic suppliers,
- Encourage collaboration with SMEs.
Our responsible purchasing day after day
We are committed on a daily basis to responsible purchasing and progress at all levels of the purchasing function. This commitment is visible in our terms, which is the basis for negotiations with our suppliers. Our terms promote sustainable, balanced and beneficial mutual relationships.