We are proud, today, to announce the launch of our ProteinoPepS industrial chair.
The objective of this new industrial chair is the production and transfer of knowledge in order to control the transformation of dairy proteins giving them new functional and/or biological properties.
Our group was present at Salon International de l'Agriculture and we are very proud to receive on Tuesday, 1st March the award for our CSR label « Coop So Responsible », which rewards commitments of our breeders and workers.
Thank you to La Coopération Agricole for its support!
An event divided in 3 times:
- The award ceremony for our CSR prize "Coop So Responsible"
- The tasting of our Prospérité milk, the first real-time digitally certified UHT milk (Wesdnesday 3 March),
- A round table with our partnership Connecting Food "Le traçage au service des engagements RSE de la filière laitière" (Wesdnesday 3 March)