
Free webinar Lactium natural bioactive for stress management

WEBINAR Lactium: manage your stress for a serene life!

Audrey Boulier, Scientific and Innovation Manager for Ingredia and Tammy Keiser, Director, Sales and Marketing will discuss in a FREE webinar the epidemic of stress, and showcase the stress-reducing properties of Lactium®, a natural bioactive to reduce stress. Join us on September, 21st - 11:00 A.M (ET/US) Save the date, register now!


Ingredia, its first blockchain-traced and digitally certified dairy ingredients!

Restoring consumer trust with our sustainable ingredients now digitally certified! Transparency and traceability have been major trends in the food industry. Consumers no longer have trust in the food industry and are confused by the vast number of labels, certifications and promises on their packaging. Defending brand's values and making its promises verifiable by everyone is possible by mobilizing all the actors in the chain. Ingredia placed the first block!  Contact us

Learn more about our dairy ingredients
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