
famille creamy booster proteine fonctionnelle texture cremeux fluidite onctuosite riche en proteines pauvre en matière grasse

Boost your creaminess with our new range of milk proteins PROMILK®!

PROMILK® CREAMY BOOSTER is a milk protein range for indulgent and healthy products:
  • High in protein, low fat and clean label,
  • Creamy, smooth texture, great mouthfeel and fresh milky taste
Let's innovate to meet consumers' expectations! Ingredia is by your side with PROMILK® CREAMY BOOSTER and our technical teams to answer healthy product development challenges. Because each milk product has features, the 4 milk proteins of our PROMILK® CREAMY BOOSTER range have been specifically developed for application:
  • Promys'chiz brings soft and creamy texture for all low fat traditional cheese,
  • PROMILK® Yogchiz  is for healthy fresh cheese, for firm and creamy texture,
  • PROMILK® 600A is dedicated to spoonable milk products, for a nice shiny and creamy texture,
  • PROMILK® Yogfluid  is used for drinking yogurt, offering fluid texture, while maintaining a good dairy taste.
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prix Ernst & Young engagement sociétal et environnemental partenariat ania

Ingredia received the award for social and environmental commitment – 5th edition of the EY Food Industry Award 2021

Selected by the ANIA from major names in the food industry and before a prestigious jury, Ingredia was awarded on Wednesday, 27th January, the prize for excellence of an entire industry. Presented by the Managing Director of Lesaffre, an international player and neighbor of the Hauts-de-France, the prize for social and environmental commitment is the recognition of a group of women and men united by CSR, an agile and innovative company, promoting all the links in the regional dairy chain. According to the organizer, "in the current context of economic and social crisis linked to the Covid-19 Crisis, the ANIA and EY teams are more than ever keen to reward and value companies that have been able to resist and adapt to feed the French despite the difficulties. Business leaders and their employees who embody the future of the French food industry ". This prize rewards Ingredia as an innovative player, who dared to undertake with the startup Connecting Food to launch the first milk connected with blockchain technology. Ingredia offers bottles of milk, cream and dairy ingredients under blockchain, a world first, which raises Ingredia from BtoB to FtoC (Farmer to consumer), with real time audit by the consumer. Read our Press Release

Learn more about our dairy ingredients
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